
分析系列报告(2023/04/22 19:00-22:00,报告人:吴猛 )

发布人:www.jorgepetrov.com日期:2023年04月17日 15:58浏览数:

报告题目: Fourier dimension of non-linear images of self-similar measures

报告时间2023/04/22 19:00-22:00


报告摘要: R.Kaufman has shown in the 1980's that all C^2 non-linear images of Bernoulli convolutions have power Fourier decays. This has been extended to self-similar measures with uniform contraction ratios by Y.Y.Chang-X.Gao and C.Mosquera-P. Shmerkin, independently. In this talk, I will first briefly review Kaufman's method and then show how a minor modification of it (plus a result of M. Tsujii) works for all self-similar measures.

报告人简介:吴猛,芬兰奥卢大学(University of Oulu)副教授(Associate Professor)。2013年于法国亚眠大学(Universite de Picardie)获得博士学位。主要研究方向为动力系统和分形几何及其在数论等领域的应用。研究成果已在Ann. Math., Adv. Math. ,Int. Math. Res. Not. 等数学期刊上发表。

上一条:科学计算系列报告(2023/04/20 14:30-,报告人:许育琳 )

下一条:麓山数学教育论坛(第二十七讲,2023/04/21 15:00-17:00,报告人:王立东)

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